
the way he does it, i can't get ENOUGH!

if you haven't heard of YOUNG LOVE yet, you might be living under a rock. but be informed, if you are a step or two behind, i'll bring you up to speed. fun dance music.
it is that plain and simple. it is quality entertainment, great beats & vocals. don't ask me why exactly today i felt compelled to share this amazing band with ya'll. but my iPod did send me a little reminder mesage this morning on the subway, and that made the day a bunch more enjoyable.
listen up and you with dance&smile TOO!

you may have heard their Dance Dance song as the intro to mTV's Dance Life. great song too!
i really don't know how one would be able to sit still while a YOUNG LOVE song is played.
get off your @$$ right now and dance!

p.s. I danced with delicious Dan Keyes and the boys at a late LESnight bar once.

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