
sporty spice

Jeremy Scott for Adidas

I have always been a vintage Adidas fan. The new stuff is often questionable...even the stella stuff. i like the new stuff when it gets spacey and futuristic. which mr. scott has definitely done but i believe he has really tipped his hat to vintage adidas styles. i love the dress/tunic take on the track jacket and THOSE SUBTLE RUFFLES! the color block skirt reminds me of those channel color checks on TV, which are basically probably eliminated because of digital tv now. so funky! i want one..i will be on the hunt to acquire one-beacon's in a few month i pray....the whole collection is subtly 80s too i know and hiphop friendly but thats what makes it current, relevant and wearable in the mainstream. anyways kudos jeremy, job well done, i wish you would have pushed it a bit further but what you put out and the model wearing them are DELISH! bravo...this reminds me, i really need to take some funky fun pics of outfits i've thrown together with my three fav adidas pieces i own. a vintage navy/maroon track suit i bought from my old man neighbour when i was 12 (and it was way too big on me but only $15!!!), a fire engine red vintage long sleeve sweatshirt with a square neckline and pockets (GENIUS!) and my new (but now worn to oblivion) spacey beige with three stripe velcro straps and the most supportive arches EVER! well enough about my adidas ownage (but i promise pics of the aforementioned items soon and MORE OF MY OUTRAGEOUS outfits, this summer's goals is to document my wardrobe while im still young and hip...HAH)

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