
i'd rather follow you...

Heavy Water (I'd Rather Be Sleeping)~Grouper
from their album-Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill

heard this on a friend's myspace page and was completely taken aback. its stunning. of course they are from portland. just as Au and the other hidden gem bands are hiding up there-cultivating the genius, all making haunting synthy indie folk. they are unsigned but touring, no current NYC dates boo! (apparently they were here in december, of course i discovered them too late) but check out their myspace.com/grouperrepuorg for shows near you, even europe. i will be scouring record stores to attain a hard copy of their vinyls. Grouper's harmonies and melodies are like someone repetitively stroking your hair because they just love you or you are sad, comforting, relaxing, affectionate, subtly plucking at your heart strings and giving you peace.

.....where the deepest currents flow

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is absolutely breathtaking. I bought her album yesterday after being introduced to her last Weds at Animal Collective and I played it in the afternoon at home. I am swept away. I think it is everything I have been looking for in an ambient-inclined artist for a very long time. Her voice is like water.