
i got no one

Camera Obscure-Some Guys Have All The Luck
recorded in a crushed velvet covered van. brills.
great little cover diddy by one of my fav bands of the year

[i haven't posted music in awhile, forgive me. i have some up my sleeves but the time and true inspiration haven't bloomed. soon i promise]


and i was hoping you'd creep in...with me

Who's Have Known-Lily Allen
from It's Not Me, It's You

since apparently, the music videos i post on my blog now exclusively revolve around my feelings HAH.
i know tons of people want to KNOCK lily allen, her lyrics are really always refreshing to me. no one is really writing lyrics quite like her. she is in her 20s, she is love forelorn, the girl feels the shit of life and she sings it. this video is a nice-ish live version-other live version are kinda OBNOX-i get it why people dislike her i DO, the album version is soft and sweet but no video yet. its 3 in the morning...this is the song i am digging on. enjoy!

i didn't know where this was going..... when you kissed me

sporty spice

Jeremy Scott for Adidas

I have always been a vintage Adidas fan. The new stuff is often questionable...even the stella stuff. i like the new stuff when it gets spacey and futuristic. which mr. scott has definitely done but i believe he has really tipped his hat to vintage adidas styles. i love the dress/tunic take on the track jacket and THOSE SUBTLE RUFFLES! the color block skirt reminds me of those channel color checks on TV, which are basically probably eliminated because of digital tv now. so funky! i want one..i will be on the hunt to acquire one-beacon's in a few month i pray....the whole collection is subtly 80s too i know and hiphop friendly but thats what makes it current, relevant and wearable in the mainstream. anyways kudos jeremy, job well done, i wish you would have pushed it a bit further but what you put out and the model wearing them are DELISH! bravo...this reminds me, i really need to take some funky fun pics of outfits i've thrown together with my three fav adidas pieces i own. a vintage navy/maroon track suit i bought from my old man neighbour when i was 12 (and it was way too big on me but only $15!!!), a fire engine red vintage long sleeve sweatshirt with a square neckline and pockets (GENIUS!) and my new (but now worn to oblivion) spacey beige with three stripe velcro straps and the most supportive arches EVER! well enough about my adidas ownage (but i promise pics of the aforementioned items soon and MORE OF MY OUTRAGEOUS outfits, this summer's goals is to document my wardrobe while im still young and hip...HAH)

life in waves

my life feels like this A LOT lately. if you stare at it sideways...it starts to shape shift and trip you out then become 3d then back to 2d, sometimes rounded out or in, convex, concave. le sigh.


i'm sorry you're going to have to go now

Peaches- Lose You
from I Feel Cream
she wore that awesome sleeved body suit at show at webster hall too.
projecting images onto her own body 'screens'
our clothing is an image of ourselves
a reflection
of you
inner depths
not yet explored
or exposed with expression
batwings of self expression
so beautiful. truly.
dance music with a message is dance music at its best.

also she is just dirty.
so so so so so naughty. (not here but check out her older stuff)

and hilarious.
so so so so so funny.
male back up dancers with white nail polish.
lycra. rhinestones.
basically she is ballsy and having fun.
she is an entertainer.
i love.


when in a pinch, cinch

some vintage PRADA waists
loving belts, with the rugged buckle juxtaposed those luxurious blouses
the high loosely waists cinched chic-ly. such a lady like summer look.
style.com runway details photos. they need an exhibit of them.
i love.

you could break my heart....

Habanera-Kate Nash
not sure which album this from, but how i heart ms. nash
she is so cutesy but honest about the annoyance of mens. i am feeling this song today and those DRUMS!
if you haven't heard anything by her, start youtubin' and dling IMMEDIATELY.

i tried to talk to you
but you were looking through into the next room
there must have been something more interesting

.....that was apparent from the start